Project list
In this list of some typical contracts there are involved also projects made by Doc. Ing. Votlučka, CSc. and his fellow workers before founding the Konstat s.r.o. company. The list is lined up from the oldest to the newest project. The projects are presented mostly in Czech language.
Structure Category: Theatre and Artistic structures Halls / canopies / tribunes Bridges Tanks / silos / stacks Mast / chimneys Load bearing structures for technological equipment Duct lines Craneways / Technological equipment for transport Load bearing structures for machines Scaffolds / Assembly plattforms Waterworks facilities Roof and Wall cladding Extraordinery and Special structures Membrane structures Timber structures Glass structures Civil engineering / industrial structures
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Title | Contractor | Contract Category | Structure Category | Year |
TANECO | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2022 |
VAPOUR BELT | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2022 |
BRUNSBÜTTEL YARA N2 | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2022 |
APERAM | Primetals Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Duct lines, Load bearing structures for machines , Tanks / silos / stacks | 2022 |
CREST GATE | HYDROPROJEKT SWECO PRAHA | Statical/dynamical calculation | Waterworks facilities | 2022 |
Rozhledna Černolice | Eurosignal | Studies/conceptual design, Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings, Project | Mast / chimneys, Extraordinery and Special structures | 2021 |
Pražská tržnice | Ra15 a.s. | Studies/conceptual design | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2021 |
Tribuna fotbalového stadionu Pelhřimov | Technické služby Pelhřimov | Assessment of existing structure | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2021 |
Atrium SPŠ Tachov Světce | SPŠ Tachov | Assessment of existing structure, Studies/conceptual design | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2021 |
Vazník krovu kulturního sálu | Obec Vranov | Assessment of existing structure, Studies/conceptual design | Timber structures | 2021 |
Zábradlí Al UNI | Glob Alu Steel s.r.o. | Statical/dynamical calculation | Roof and Wall cladding | 2021 |
Baliax | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2021 |
Mosty Bílina | Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace a.s. | Assessment of existing structure | Duct lines | 2021 |
KOTVENÍ KOLONY C102 | K - PROTOS, a.s. | Assessment of existing structure | Tanks / silos / stacks | 2021 |
Schodiště MŠ Vokovická | Ra15 a.s. | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2021 |
VZT plošina VTP Dubá | JOBI ENERGO s.r.o. | Shop drawings, Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2021 |
Ternium | Primetals Praha | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Duct lines, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2021 |
Jeřábové dráhy pro kladkostroje ČOV Vrané | D-plus Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2021 |
Arkas | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2021 |
Lávka Běchovice | D-plus Praha | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Bridges | 2021 |
Garáže Řepy - trolejbusy | Pragoprojekt | Assessment of existing structure | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2021 |
Kolona Spolana | PP projekce Pilař | Assessment of existing structure, Project | Tanks / silos / stacks | 2021 |
LKQ | Arwen Group Praha | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2021 |
Věž pro sušení hadic s rozhlednou Velká Jesenice | GEBAS atelier architects s.r.o. | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2021 |
Cabinet | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2021 |
Prazdroj | Tebodin Praha | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2021 |
Manipulátor | Tech Con Czech Republic, s.r.o. | Statical/dynamical calculation | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2021 |
Pylon mostu přes Ohři Sokolov | SMP CZ | Shop drawings | Bridges | 2021 |
FIBRAN | TPB Steel Praha | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2021 |
Nádraží Řeporyje | MČ Praha - Řeporyje | Statical/dynamical calculation, Studies/conceptual design, Assessment of existing structure | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2021 |
Zimní stadion Milevsko | DEKPROJEKT s.r.o. | Assessment of existing structure, Studies/conceptual design, Statical/dynamical calculation | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2021 |
Nupaky | TPB STEEL, spol. s r.o. | Statical/dynamical calculation, Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2021 |
Zábradlí Al | Glob Alu Steel s.r.o. | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Roof and Wall cladding | 2021 |
Schodiště RD Šumperk | INNOSTEEL Construct s.r.o. | Shop drawings, Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Extraordinery and Special structures | 2021 |
Biopergola | Adam PROJEKT s. r. o. | Statical/dynamical calculation | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2021 |
Potrubní trasy | Kovosvit MAS | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Duct lines | 2021 |
Skleněný oltář | INNOSTEEL Construct s.r.o. | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Theatre and Artistic structures, Glass structures, Extraordinery and Special structures | 2021 |
Mecalux Škoda | Ing. Michal Netušil, Ph.D. | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Scaffolds / Assembly plattforms | 2021 |
TJ Radlice | Arwen Group Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2021 |
Ústřední vojenská nemocnice - markýzy | RETRE, s.r.o. | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2021 |
Květníky PD Černý Most | TPB STEEL, spol. s r.o. | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Extraordinery and Special structures, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2021 |
Myčka DP Praha | Arwen Group Praha | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2021 |
Reklamní pylony Bořislavka | STAIRS design s.r.o. | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Glass structures, Extraordinery and Special structures | 2021 |
Fragment | Sipral a.s. | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation, Assessment of existing structure | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Roof and Wall cladding | 2021 |
Braunschweig | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2021 |
Voliéry Indie | Carl Stahl & spol, s.r.o. | Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Membrane structures | 2021 |
Segmenty Štvanice | Sweco Hydroprojekt Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Waterworks facilities | 2021 |
Arcibiskupské gymnázium Praha | D-plus Praha | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2021 |
Haly Povrly | Měď Povrly | Statical/dynamical calculation, Assessment of existing structure, Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2021 |
Altán Veselí | Sweco Hydroprojekt Praha | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2021 |
Servisní centrum přístaviště Veselí nad Moravou | Sweco Hydroprojekt Praha | Shop drawings, Statical/dynamical calculation, Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Waterworks facilities | 2021 |
Vzduchový chladič Rimpar | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2020 |
Vzduchový chladič Sharjah | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2020 |
Zastřešení protinámrazové technologie Marl | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2020 |
Sloupy dráhy manipulátoru | Tech Con Czech Republic, s.r.o. | Statical/dynamical calculation | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2020 |
Využití stávající konstrukce venkovní jeřábové dráhy | INGTOP s.r.o. | Expert examiniation/consulting | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2020 |
Pomocný montážní prvek | Střechy Vaníček spol. s r.o. | Project | Scaffolds / Assembly plattforms | 2020 |
Plošina TV NOVA | ra15 a.s. | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2020 |
Návrh dřevěných prvků stavebnicového systému dřevostaveb | LUCERN dřevostavby s.r.o. | Statical/dynamical calculation | Timber structures | 2020 |
Posudky kotvení příhradových stožárů | FORTEL spol. s r.o. | Assessment of existing structure | Mast / chimneys | 2020 |
ZOO Zlín - Sloninec | SVIŽN s.r.o. | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation, Studies/conceptual design | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2020 |
Ocelové točité schodiště | STAIRS design s.r.o. | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Glass structures | 2020 |
Prohlídky a návrh opatření pro stožáry elektrického vedení z oceli Atmofix | ELEKTRO-COMP spol. s r.o. | Expert examiniation/consulting | Mast / chimneys | 2020 |
Vědecko-technický park dubá - hala | Ing. arch. Daniel Appel | Project, Shop drawings, Statical/dynamical calculation | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2020 |
Zastřešení sochy sv. Prokopa Březno | Hlaváček - architekti, s.r.o. | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Glass structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2020 |
Občerstvení s posezením Autodrom Most | CL-EVANS s.r.o. | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2020 |
Fasádní prvky - polyfunčkní dům českomoravská | FACIATA PROJEKT, s.r.o. | Project, Shop drawings, Statical/dynamical calculation | Roof and Wall cladding | 2020 |
Světlíky v administrativním centru Bořislavka | Sipral a.s. | Project, Shop drawings, Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2020 |
Muzeum Roztoky | TPB STEEL, spol. s r.o. | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2020 |
Vzduchové chladiče Kasawari | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2020 |
Vzduchový chladič Zeelink | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2020 |
Lávka pro pěší Běchovice | D-plus Praha | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Bridges | 2020 |
Kotvy pro plášť ČSOB HK | Izolex Moravia, spol. s r.o. | Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2020 |
Podpory pro chladící potrubí Synthos | Projekce Pilař, s.r.o. | Statical/dynamical calculation | Duct lines, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2020 |
Podpora pro čerpadlo | Projekce Pilař, s.r.o. | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2020 |
Konstrukce pro podvěsný kladkostroj Synthos | Projekce Pilař, s.r.o. | Statical/dynamical calculation | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2020 |
Přístřešek RD Štěchovice | TPB STEEL, spol. s r.o. | Project, Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2020 |
Stavebnice montážní pomůcky pro opravy světlíků | Střechy Vaníček spol. s r.o. | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Scaffolds / Assembly plattforms | 2020 |
Membránové zastřešení na objektu Deloitte | Carl Stahl & spol, s.r.o. | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Membrane structures | 2019 |
Brno Riviéra | Carl Stahl & spol, s.r.o. | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Membrane structures | 2019 |
ALS | Carl Stahl & spol, s.r.o. | Studies/conceptual design | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Membrane structures | 2019 |
Analýza skleněného FTV panelu za mrazu | ČZU Praha | Research, development, experiments | Glass structures | 2019 |
Administrativní budova Roztyly | Building Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2019 |
technologické konstrukce Freital | Primetals Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2019 |
plošina pro VZT na objektu Nova Barrandov | RA15 Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2019 |
Glas Troesch Žebrák - sekundární ocelové konstrukce | Arwen Group Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Roof and Wall cladding | 2019 |
Jeřábová dráha nosnosti 500t pro manipulaci s hradidly na VD Gabčíkovo | Sweco Hydroprojekt Praha | Project | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport, Waterworks facilities | 2019 |
vestavba Pizza Hut do budovy Masarykova nádraží v Praze | Archikraft Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2019 |
Muzeum Liberec - dřevěná vestavba | Arch, Hlaváček Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Timber structures | 2019 |
Vzduchový chladič Krummhoern | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2019 |
Vzduchový chladič Zubair | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2019 |
Vzduchové chladiče DAS ISLAND | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2019 |
Vzduchový chladič Centrica UK | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2019 |
Vzduchový chladič Zealand | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2019 |
Vzduchové chladiče Baltic Pipe | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2019 |
Posouzení konstrukcí výstavních stánků | EXPOSALE – CZ s.r.o. | Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2019 |
Pomocné konstrukce pro fasádu Valeo | Arwen Group Praha | Project | Roof and Wall cladding, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2018 |
Šplhací víceúrovňová plošina pro výškovou montáž pylonu mostu Komárno | Primetals Praha | Project | Bridges, Scaffolds / Assembly plattforms | 2018 |
Vzduchový chladič Aljuco | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2018 |
Přístavba haly M12 Škoda Auto Mladá Boleslav | Arch. Hlaváček Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2018 |
Technologická konstrukce JFE ECO Japonsko | Primetals Praha | Shop drawings | Duct lines, Craneways / Technological equipment for transport, Tanks / silos / stacks, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2018 |
Konstrukce vestavku Saint Gobain Hořovice | Saint Gobain Hořovice | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2018 |
Konstrukce vestavku Saint Gobain Hořovice | TPB Steel Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2018 |
Nosná konstrukce uměleckého díla "Mrak" | Archtex Praha | Project | Extraordinery and Special structures, Theatre and Artistic structures | 2018 |
Markýza Nexen | TPB Steel Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2018 |
Studie proveditelnosti úprav Terminálu 1 letiště V. Havla | Ra15 Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2018 |
Vzduchový chladič Uzbekistan | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2018 |
Tunelovací stroj Petersberg | Martitechnik DE | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2018 |
Schody vila Pros | TPB Steel Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2018 |
Architektonická OK Ferona Jankovcova | Building Praha | Project | Extraordinery and Special structures | 2018 |
posudky zinkovacích traverz Wiegel | V.P.O Kovo Chlumčany | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2018 |
Posudek a projekt rekonstrukce sportovní haly Zličín | MČ Praha - Zličín | Expert examiniation/consulting, Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2018 |
Vzduchový chladič Clarendon | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2018 |
Návrh rámu pro měřící techniku | OK Servis Bio Pro Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2018 |
Návrh kotvení vánočního stromu Štěrboholy | Finep Praha | Project | Extraordinery and Special structures | 2018 |
Kontrola projektu fasádní konstrukce Menza Troja | Herain Group Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2018 |
Membránové zastřešení na objektu Deloitte | Jakub Ciegler architekti | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Membrane structures | 2018 |
podpory a potrubní trasy Dofasco | Primetals Praha | Shop drawings | Duct lines, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2018 |
točité schodiště Churchill - Deloite | Building Praha, Jakub Cigler Architekti | Studies/conceptual design, Project, Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Extraordinery and Special structures | 2018 |
Analýza poruch konstrukce přístřešku Park Chodov | Apoleona HSG Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2018 |
Dědina - Mělčany - otočný válcový segment retenční nádrže | Sweco Hydroprojekt Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Waterworks facilities | 2018 |
hala pro garážování lodí Slapy | PSK Tuzar Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2018 |
Vodojem VUAB Roztoky | VUAB Roztoky | Expert examiniation/consulting | Tanks / silos / stacks | 2017 |
Zastřešení Atria Churchill Square Praha | Building | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2017 |
Skipová dráha GPH | Primetals Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Craneways / Technological equipment for transport, Load bearing structures for machines | 2017 |
Vestavný box v hale Hořovice | TPB Steel Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2017 |
Vzduchový chladič Tanguch | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2017 |
Plošiny pro VZT - Nova TV Praha Barrandov | Rala Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2017 |
Rekonstrukce ÚSTR Praha | Strabag Ostrava | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2017 |
Dopravníkový most Škoda Auto Mladá Boleslav | Desmo Lomnice nad P. | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2017 |
Havárie fasády NTK | Altech Mladá Boleslav | Expert examiniation/consulting | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2017 |
Expertiza vrat hangáru E letiště Praha Ruzyně | Balnce CZ Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2017 |
Expertiza poruch OK plaveckého bazénu Šutka | D-plus Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2017 |
REKONSTRUKCE NÁDRAŽÍ ŽIŽKOV - PERGOLY | D-plus Praha | Project | Timber structures | 2017 |
Technologická konstrukce Luftvorwarmer | Bronswerk Benešov n. Pl. | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2017 |
Hala Milovice | Ing. Zákoucká Mukařov | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2017 |
Vzduchový chladič Egypt | AC Engineering Děčín | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2017 |
Hala 28 Děčín | Realmont Liberec | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2017 |
Výběh slonů ZOO Zlín | Masák partners Praha | Project | Extraordinery and Special structures | 2017 |
Admin. komplex Palmovka III a IV Praha | Metrostav Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2017 |
Dopravníkový most Škoda Auto Mladá Boleslav | Arch. Hlaváček Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2017 |
Technologické plošiny GPH | Primetals Praha | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2017 |
Techn. konstrukce Ansteel | Primetals Praha | Shop drawings | Tanks / silos / stacks, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2017 |
Vestavný box v hale Hořovice | Saint Gobain Hořovice | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2017 |
Zkoušky požární odolnosti tr. plechů CB Profil ve zkušebně Pavus a.s. | CB Profil | Research, development, experiments | Roof and Wall cladding | 2016 |
Statická studie Logist. hala Škoda auto Kvasiny | Ruukki Praha | Studies/conceptual design | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2016 |
Technolog. konstrukce RGD Tyasa | Primetals Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2016 |
Konstrukce tunelovacího stroje Martitechnik | Martitechnik DE | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Craneways / Technological equipment for transport, Load bearing structures for machines | 2016 |
Podpory potrubí Arwedy | Primetals Praha | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Duct lines | 2016 |
Hala Labeta Dřenice | TPB Steel Praha | Studies/conceptual design | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2016 |
Interiérové vestavby Florentinum | Stopro Praha | Project | Extraordinery and Special structures, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2016 |
Vozovna DP Praha Strašnice - sanace | DP Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2016 |
Admin. komplex Palmovka III a IV Praha | Fabionn Praha, Casua Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2016 |
Admin. objekt Dynamica Praha | Building praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2016 |
Vzduchový chladič Centrica York | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2016 |
Schodiště Opatovská Praha | MČ Praha 11 | Expert examiniation/consulting | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2016 |
Krov RD Špindlerův mlýn | Stas Vrchlabí | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2016 |
Hala Megellan | Dvořák & partn. Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2016 |
Hala Soma Lanškroun | VPÚ Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2016 |
Technolog. konstrukce Erdemir | Primetals Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2016 |
Vodojem Děvín | D-plus Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Tanks / silos / stacks | 2016 |
Konstrukce resortu Zuri Zanzibar | White Sand Beach Tanzania | Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2016 |
Půdní vestavba ZŠ Destinové + nám. Svobody Praha | Rala Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Timber structures | 2016 |
Vzduchový chladič Big Boland | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2016 |
Plošina Nový Bydžov | Skanska Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2016 |
Přestavba vodojemu Kladno | D-plus Praha obrazová dokumentace převzata také ze serveru | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Tanks / silos / stacks | 2016 |
Tělocvična a zázemí Modřice | Bod Architekti Praha obrazová dokumentace převzata také ze serveru Národní cena za architekturu 2020 | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2016 |
Pohled v Mateřské škole Juarézova Praha | Rala Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2016 |
Vzduchový chladič Tee Side | AC Engineering Děčín | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2016 |
Hala Assa Abbloy | Arwen Group Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2016 |
Rekonstrukce nosné kce hotelu Thertmal Karlov Vary | VPÚ Praha | Assessment of existing structure | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2016 |
Hala Hranice u Aše | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2016 |
Stáj Volenice | Agromont Vimperk | Statical/dynamical calculation | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2016 |
Letmé schodiště RD Hostivice | TPB Steel Praha | Studies/conceptual design | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2016 |
Garáže DP Praha Řepy - rekonstrukce | Bomart Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2016 |
Lávka El Nino | Matějka Engineering Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Bridges | 2016 |
Lávka na jezu Hněvkovice | Raz23 Praha | Project | Bridges, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2015 |
toptran | Hunter & Douglas | Project | Roof and Wall cladding | 2015 |
Technol. plošiny ČOV Praha | D-plus Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2015 |
Provozní objekt AFRISO Nupaky | Ing. prokšík Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2015 |
Hala SPEL Kolín | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2015 |
Hala Selka Rokytnice v Orl. horách | Asspro Náchod | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2015 |
Most vodovodního přivaděče Chomutov | D-plus Praha | Assessment of existing structure | Bridges, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2015 |
Jeřábová dráha Mondi Štětí | Kloknerův ústav ČVUT Praha | Assessment of existing structure | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2015 |
Garáže DP Praha Řepy | Ing. Fára Praha | Assessment of existing structure | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2015 |
Konstrukce gumolisu | Liget Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for machines | 2015 |
Tobogán skluzu uhlí do zásobníku Ledvice | TIC Plzeň | Studies/conceptual design | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport, Load bearing structures for machines , Tanks / silos / stacks | 2015 |
Rampa školní jídelny Roztoky | Město Roztoky | Studies/conceptual design | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2015 |
Vzduchový chladič Kazachstán | AC Engineering Děčín | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2015 |
Vzduchový chladič Nawara | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2015 |
Nosná konstrukce fotovoltaické elektrárny Indie | Poulek Solar | Studies/conceptual design | Extraordinery and Special structures | 2015 |
Výrobní haly Evraz Nikom Mníšek pod Brdy | Evraz Nikom Mníšek | Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2015 |
Vrata hangáru E Praha Ruzyně | Coplan Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2015 |
Plošina vestavby MSSL Ředice | Kajima Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2015 |
Plošina vestavby Letov | Arwen Group Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2015 |
Zinkovací přípravky Wiegel | V.P.O Kovo Přeštice | Statical/dynamical calculation | 2015 | |
Vzduchový chladič Zcina | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2015 |
Výpravní budova nádraží Karlovy Vary | Skanska Praha, Matějka Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2015 |
Rodinný dům Pod viaduktem Praha | Arch. Veselý | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Timber structures | 2015 |
Haly Persa Kněževes | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2015 |
Typová konstrukce pro FTV | Poulek Solar Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2015 |
Konstrukce prodejny Billa Lodžská Praha | Topprojekt Brno | Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2015 |
Hala Blecha Svitavy | FNK statika Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2015 |
Experimenty tr. plechu CB Profil na Kloknerově Ústavu, vývoj nového tvaru plechu | CB Profil | Research, development, experiments | Roof and Wall cladding | 2014 |
Startovací jámy protlaků JE Dukovany | PSK Tuzar Praha | Project | Waterworks facilities, Extraordinery and Special structures | 2014 |
Technologické konstrukce Salzgitter | Allcons Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2014 |
Hala Solnice | VPU Deco Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2014 |
Obvodový plášť Quadrio | Vokoun a Pokorný Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Roof and Wall cladding | 2014 |
Most horkovodu ZEVO | TIC Plzeň | Project | Bridges, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2014 |
Jevištní konstrukce Karlin Hall | TPB Steel Praha | Project | Theatre and Artistic structures | 2014 |
Technologické konstrukce Dubal | Allcons Praha | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2014 |
Lávka Muzeum Škoda Mladá Boleslav | Arch. Hlaváček Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Glass structures | 2014 |
Železniční most Gambrinus Plzeň | IKP Plzeň | Shop drawings | Bridges | 2014 |
Fasádní konstrukce Tyrolit | Skanska Praha | Roof and Wall cladding | 2014 | |
Palmovka III a IV | Arch. Aulík + Fišer Praha | Studies/conceptual design | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2014 |
Protihlukové stěny Aviatika | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2014 |
Technologické konstrukce VASL - SEKU | Siemens Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2014 |
Vzduchové chladiče Iraq | Oeltechnik DE | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2014 |
Střešní plášť hala Amazon Dobrovíz | CB Profil České Budějovice | Project | Roof and Wall cladding | 2014 |
Haubna Tyasa | Siemens Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2014 |
Podpěrná konstrukce pod hlinitanovou konstrukci haly Kovosvit Sezimovo Ústí | KOVOSVIT Sezimovo Ústí
| Studies/conceptual design, Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Extraordinery and Special structures | 2013 |
lávka Doubravčany - Zásmuky | Renova Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Bridges | 2013 |
Plošiny pojíždějící po jeřábových drahách pro montáž podpěrné konstrukce hlinitanové haly Kovosvit Sezimovo Ústí | Střechy Vaníček Tábor | Studies/conceptual design, Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport, Scaffolds / Assembly plattforms | 2013 |
posudky rámů pro zinkovací traverzy Wiegel | V.P.O. Kovo Chlumčany | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2013 |
ČVUT - stavebnice dřevěného minimalistického RD | Air House Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Timber structures | 2013 |
Tribuna sportovní haly Sparta Praha | Recoc Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2013 |
Provozní budova Radotín | Coplan Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2013 |
Mobilní nakladač | Liget Praha | Studies/conceptual design | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2013 |
Hala Druchema | Brickline | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2013 |
Hala Ústí Oils | Tebodin Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2013 |
Tribuna sportovní haly Sparta Praha | Hochtief Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2013 |
Analýza požární odolnosti střešního pláště | Penopol Kunčice n.L. | Expert examiniation/consulting | Roof and Wall cladding | 2013 |
Technologické konstrukce JSPL | Siemens Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2013 |
Technologické konstrukce Buderus | Siemens Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Duct lines | 2013 |
Zauhlovací most Příbram | Hennlich Litoměřice | Studies/conceptual design | Bridges, Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Duct lines | 2013 |
Potrubní trasy Linec | Siemens Praha | Project | Duct lines | 2013 |
Technologické konstrukce Třinec | Siemens Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2013 |
Obvodový plášť Argentinská Hvězda | Vokoun a Pokorný Praha | Project | Roof and Wall cladding | 2013 |
Přístřešek Toptrans Šumperk | Ing. Prokšík Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2013 |
Lávka Zásmuky | Renova Praha | Project | Bridges | 2013 |
Aviatica Praha | Building Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2013 |
Experimentální kovací lis | Liget Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for machines | 2012 |
Nůžky | Liget Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for machines | 2012 |
Toptrans Plzeň | Ing. Prokšík Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2012 |
Jeřábová hala Kladno | K.M.Trade Kladno | Assessment of existing structure | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2012 |
Technologické konstrukce Tata | Siemens Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2012 |
Bejrut SP | Recoc Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2012 |
Technologické konstrukce V.P.Kovo | V.P.Kovo Plzeň | Project | Load bearing structures for machines | 2012 |
BBC lávka Filadelfie - Brumlovka | Aulík&Fišer architekti | Studies/conceptual design, Project | Bridges | 2012 |
Korona Lochovice | Recoc Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2012 |
Airlift | Chemoprag Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2012 |
Přesýpací věž | Vodní Cesty Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2012 |
Most při Bratislave | Ruukki Praha | Project | Roof and Wall cladding | 2012 |
Koleje Botič | Recoc Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2012 |
IKEA Zličín | Skanska Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2012 |
Sendvičový panel H&D | Hounter Douglas | Expert examiniation/consulting | Roof and Wall cladding | 2012 |
Toptrans Mladá Boleslav | Ing. Prokšík Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2012 |
Letecké muzeum Mladá Boleslav | arch. Hlaváček Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Timber structures | 2012 |
BBC Delta | Building Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2012 |
Autosalon Hyundai | Solid Frame Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2012 |
Hala Podbořany | Coplan Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2012 |
OC Krakov | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2012 |
Nová Palmovka | Recoc Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2012 |
Požární posudek OC Krakov | Syner Liberec | Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2012 |
Siko Zličín – fasádní OK | Solid Frame Praha | Project | Roof and Wall cladding | 2012 |
Haly kompostárny Žlutice | Skanska Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2012 |
Hala Otrokovice | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2012 |
Sestava vzduchových chladičů Khormala | FANS Hlinsko | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2012 |
Sportovní hala Jablonec - prohlídka konstrukce a analýza poruch | Kloknerův ústav ČVUT Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2012 |
Přístavek Toptrans České Budějovice | Ing. Prokšík, Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2011 |
Jeř. dráhy haly B a C 1. železářská Kladno | 1. železářská Kladno | Project | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2011 |
Technologické konstrukce Maritza | AE&E | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Craneways / Technological equipment for transport, Bridges | 2011 |
Logistické centrum FM Tuchoměřice | Recoc Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2011 |
Logistické centrum FM Tuchoměřice | Seven Hradec Králové | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2011 |
Jízdárna | Fabion Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2011 |
OC Ginger Rusko | Recoc Praha | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2011 | |
Vulkanizační lis | Liget Praha | Studies/conceptual design, Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for machines | 2011 |
ZOO Praha – sloninec, hrošinec | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Extraordinery and Special structures, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2011 |
Autosalony Petrohrad | Recoc Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2011 |
Technologické konstrukce Qatar | Siemens Praha | Project | Duct lines | 2011 |
Nádrže Cairo, Pákistán, Mataro | Chemoprag Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Tanks / silos / stacks | 2011 |
BBC lávka mezi objekty I a II | Building Praha | Project | Bridges | 2011 |
IKEA Ostrava – portál vstupu | Construo Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2011 |
Nová Karolína Ostrava – průzkum sklocementové fasády a analýza jejích poruch | Kloknerův ústav ČVUT Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting, Research, development, experiments | Roof and Wall cladding | 2011 |
Technologické konstrukce JSPL | Siemens Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2011 |
Technologické konstrukce Kirovograd | Skanska Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2011 |
Bagrovací stanice | TIC Plzeň | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2011 |
Hala Kešner | Ruukki Praha | Studies/conceptual design | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2011 |
Technologické konstrukce Krapo | Siemens Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2011 |
SOU Pramen | D-plus Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2011 |
Reklama ODS | Karel Kut Praha | Project | Extraordinery and Special structures | 2011 |
Technologické konstrukce Severstahl | Siemens Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2011 |
Stavebnice buňkového chladiče Hlinsko | FANS Hlinsko | Project, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2010 |
komín Kutná Hora | Air Technic Praha | Project | Mast / chimneys | 2010 |
komín Shengde | Siemens Praha | Project | Mast / chimneys | 2010 |
OBI Moskva | Recoc Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2010 |
Metodika SBRA - článek v časopisu KONSTRUKCE | prof. Ing. Pavel Marek, DrSc. | Research, development, experiments, Expert article | Extraordinery and Special structures | 2010 |
Buňkový chladič | FANS Hlinsko | Studies/conceptual design | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2010 |
Inovované statické tabulky trapézových plechů | CB Profil České Budějovice | Research, development, experiments | Roof and Wall cladding | 2010 |
Logistické centrum Sereď | Recoc Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2010 |
Analýza trapézových plechů | CB profil České Budějovice | Expert examiniation/consulting | Roof and Wall cladding | 2010 |
přístavní molo Slapy | PSK Tuzar Praha | Project | Waterworks facilities | 2010 |
Suchý chladič | FANS Hlinsko | Studies/conceptual design | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2010 |
Národní technická knihovna – lávka | Altech Mladá Boleslav | Expert examiniation/consulting | Bridges | 2010 |
Sportovní hala Beroun | Halex Příbram | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2010 |
Vozovna Motol | Ing. Fára Praha | Assessment of existing structure | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2010 |
Technologické konstrukce Tikhvin | Siemens Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2010 |
Hala Betonbau | Kovovýroba Svoboda | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2010 |
Jeřábové dráhy Plzeň | 1. železářská Kladno | Statical/dynamical calculation | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2010 |
Laminátový buňkový chladič | FANS Hlinsko | Studies/conceptual design | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Extraordinery and Special structures | 2010 |
Hala C 1. železářská Kladno | 1. železářská Kladno | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2010 |
Dostavba plaveckého areálu Šutka Praha | D-plus Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2010 |
Technologické konstrukce Bohai | Siemens Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2010 |
Hala Koma | Solid Frame | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2010 |
Nemocnice Bergen Norsko | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2010 |
Technologické konstrukce Monlevado | Siemens Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2010 |
Rekonstrukce AB Štětkova | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2010 |
Hornbach Plzeň | Olympia Projekt | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2010 |
Flamova Ducts – potrubí | Excon Praha | Shop drawings | Duct lines | 2010 |
Toyota Tusho | Tebodin Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2010 |
ZOO Praha – sloninec, hrošinec | D-plus Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Extraordinery and Special structures | 2010 |
Technologické konstrukce Krakatau | Siemens Praha | Project | Duct lines, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2010 |
Letiště Praha Ruzyně, hangár D | Reconstruction | Assessment of existing structure | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2009 |
Nádrže Daman | Chemoprag Praha | Project | Tanks / silos / stacks | 2009 |
Silo a komín Vintířov | 1. železářská Kladno | Project | Mast / chimneys | 2009 |
Rozhledna Javořina Hůrka | Atelier K2 | Studies/conceptual design | Mast / chimneys, Extraordinery and Special structures | 2009 |
Technologické konstrukce Atoun | Siemens Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2009 |
Zásobníky Cairo | Chemoprag | Project | Tanks / silos / stacks | 2009 |
Rekonstrukce stadionu Litoměřice | Skanska Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2009 |
Nosná konstrukce fotovoltaické elektrárny | Poulek Solar | Studies/conceptual design | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2009 |
Hala Brčálník | Ruukki Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2009 |
Dostavby Pekárny Delta | Brickline Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2009 |
ČSSZ Stodůlky | Metrostav Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2009 |
Skladový areál Toptrans Jihlava | Ing. Prokšík | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2009 |
Ateliér + skladová hala Jirčany | Ruukki Praha | Studies/conceptual design, Project, Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2009 |
Rekonstrukce Nemocnice Kladno | Recoc Kladno | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2009 |
Fyziologický ústav Akademie věd | EGIS Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2009 |
Technologické konstrukce Avesta | Siemens Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2009 |
Stanice metra Stodůlky | Skanska Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2009 |
Logistické centrum FM Bukurešť | Recoc Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2009 |
Portály tunelů Pražského okruhu | Valbek Praha, Hochtief Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Extraordinery and Special structures | 2009 |
Rekonstrukce Nemocnice Kladno | Energie Kladno | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2009 |
Technologické konstrukce Bhilai | Siemens Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2009 |
Výtahová šachta Evropská | VHL Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2009 |
Technologické konstrukce Kaluga | Siemens Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Tanks / silos / stacks | 2009 |
Logistické centrum FM Italy | Seven Hradec králové | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Roof and Wall cladding | 2009 |
FM Logistic Olszova Polsko – střecha, přístavek, vestavba | Recoc Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2008 |
Hala MPD Rakovník | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2008 |
Administrativní objekt Linzia Praha | Recoc Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2008 |
Elektrárna Skopje | HD Engineering Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2008 |
Hala Hauser Kaplice | Novák-Moleko Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2008 |
Hala Dobrovíz | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2008 |
Europrint Praha, OK pro vzduchotechniku | Tigerreal | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2008 |
Nosné OK pro fasády, sklárna Rostov na Donu | Fabion Praha | Project | Roof and Wall cladding | 2008 |
Dopravní mosty Hatfield | Indbau Plzeň | Shop drawings | Bridges, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2008 |
Nástavba hotelu Astoria Praha | Recoc Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2008 |
Dostavba Hudebního divadla Karlín | Pragoprojekt Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2008 |
Přístřešek Automotive Nepřevázka | Fabion Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2008 |
Polyfunkční objekt Viktoria, Bratislava | Recoc Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2008 |
Jeřábové dráhy, CCI Brno | Ferro OK Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2008 |
Potrubní trasy, Ocelárna Dillingen | Allcons Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Duct lines | 2008 |
Rekonstrukce OK vnější fasády, BB Centrum A | Skanska Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Roof and Wall cladding | 2008 |
Chladící nádrž CHTS | CHTS Praha | Project | Tanks / silos / stacks | 2008 |
Sila, potrubní trasy, Ocelárna Pohang, Korea | Siemens-VAI Praha | Project | Tanks / silos / stacks, Duct lines | 2008 |
Provizorní podepření historického zdiva Švédská ulice | Dvořák a.s. Tábor | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Scaffolds / Assembly plattforms | 2008 |
Expertiza poruch kotevního elementu jeřábu | Baest Benešov | Expert examiniation/consulting | Load bearing structures for machines | 2008 |
Expertiza poruch výsuvných tribun Sazka Arena | Recoc Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Extraordinery and Special structures | 2008 |
Potrubní most Zentiva | Tenel Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Bridges, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2008 |
Obchodní centrum Mercedesu Prague-west | Metrostav Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2008 |
Hala Hostivice | Novák-Moleko Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2008 |
Hala Kampus Brno | OKF Brno | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2008 |
Komíny, Ocelárny Pohang, Gwangyang, Korea | Siemens VAI Praha | Shop drawings | Mast / chimneys | 2008 |
Odsávání haly, potrubní trasy, Ocelárna Severstal, Rusko | Siemens VAI Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Duct lines | 2008 |
Hala Nimetal | Ruuki Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Roof and Wall cladding | 2008 |
Komín, Ocelárna Novolipeck, Rusko | Allcons Praha | Project | Mast / chimneys | 2008 |
Krovy Lehovec | Skanska Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2008 |
Potrubní trasy Severstal | Siemens VAI Praha | Project | Duct lines | 2008 |
Výzkum poruch souvrství DOPA v nádržích Čepro | Skanska Praha | Research, development, experiments, Expert examiniation/consulting | Tanks / silos / stacks, Extraordinery and Special structures | 2008 |
Technologické konstrukce Doneck | Siemens VAI Praha | Project | Tanks / silos / stacks, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2008 |
Technologické konstrukce Vito | Siemens VAI Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2008 |
Analýza konstrukcí garáží DP Praha po požáru | Dopravní podnik Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2008 |
Hala Židněves | Ing. Matějka Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2007 |
Zásobníky Trmice | Chemoprag Praha | Project | Tanks / silos / stacks | 2007 |
Zásobníky Hustopeče | Chemoprag Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Tanks / silos / stacks | 2007 |
Drážky Čertousy | D-plus Praha | Project | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2007 |
Technologické konstrukce CAO | VAI Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2007 |
Posouzení nosnosti OK Kord budovy MIČR | Minist. informatiky ČR | Expert examiniation/consulting | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2007 |
Bombardier ČL - expediční hala | ing. Sedlák Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2007 |
Administrativní budova AAG Králův Dvůr | Ing. Arch. Hromádko | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2007 |
Hala ABT Dříň | Arch. Černý, Kladno | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2007 |
Technologické konstrukce Kiruna – Švédsko | Excon Praha | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2007 |
Statické tabulky trapézových plechů | CB Profil České Budějovice | Research, development, experiments | Roof and Wall cladding | 2007 |
Expertiza trhlin poruch dynamicky namáhaných prvků jeřábů | BAEST Benešov | Expert examiniation/consulting | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2007 |
Podpěrná kce fasády Pankráckého mrakodrapu | Metrostav, Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Roof and Wall cladding | 2007 |
Konstrukce pro převoz Tokamaku z GB do ČR | Dostav, Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Extraordinery and Special structures | 2007 |
Potrubní trasy, komín, Ocelárna AHMSA, Brazilie | VAI Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Duct lines, Mast / chimneys | 2007 |
Rezidence Sacre Coeur Praha Smíchov | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2007 |
Rekonstrukce haly ASA Ďáblice | Grebner Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2007 |
Odsávání haly, potrubní trasy, Ocelárna Novolipeck | VAI Praha | Project | Duct lines | 2007 |
Lihovar Hustopeče | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2007 |
Hala Isoterm Kaplice | Novák-Moleko Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2007 |
Elektrárna Ledvice - vnitřní technologické konstrukce | Energoprojekt Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2007 |
Chovná stanice ptáků ZOO Praha | Z-projekt Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2007 |
Alternativní návrhy trapézových plechů | CB Profil České Budějovice | Statical/dynamical calculation | Roof and Wall cladding | 2007 |
Rekonstrukce jeřábových drah, Simona Litvínov | Recoc Praha | Project | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2007 |
Konstrukce odpařovače | FEROX Děčín | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for machines | 2007 |
Požární posudek stávajících konstrukcí CSIA | CSIA Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2007 |
Požární posudek vyhořelé haly Sartomer | Konstav-Socotec Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2007 |
Komplex Bořislavka | Novák a Partner Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2007 |
Zkoušky požární odolnosti tr. plechů CB Profil ve zkušebně Pavus a.s. | CB Profil | Research, development, experiments | Roof and Wall cladding | 2007 |
Experimentální ověření fasádní kotvy NTK Praha ve zkušebně Kloknerova Ústavu | Altech Mladá Boleslav | Research, development, experiments | Roof and Wall cladding | 2007 |
Přístřešek Fakultní Nemocnice Hradec Králové | Recoc Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Membrane structures | 2007 |
Komín Plzeň Steel - 42,5 m | 1. Železářská Kladno | Project | Mast / chimneys | 2007 |
Stánek Škoda Auto Autosalon Geneve 2007 | Coplan Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Extraordinery and Special structures | 2007 |
UJEP Ústí n/L | Skanska Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2007 |
Lávka Černý Most | Metrostav Praha | Shop drawings | Bridges | 2006 |
Hala Valeo | Grebner Praha, Ekostavby Louny
| Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2006 |
Zvětšení únosnosti portálového jeřábu 5t | 1. Železářská Kladno | Project | Load bearing structures for machines | 2006 |
Golf klub Hostivař | Skanska praha | Shop drawings, Statical/dynamical calculation | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes, Timber structures, Roof and Wall cladding | 2006 |
Hala pro plotter Pražské Služby | Ing. Prokšík Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2006 |
Technologické konstrukce Kotan | VAI Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2006 |
Stánek Škoda Auto Autosalon Geneve 2006 | Coplan Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Extraordinery and Special structures | 2006 |
Škoda MB L1 | Stahlbau Wolf Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2006 |
Autosalon Škoda Cheb | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2006 |
Administrativní budova E-gate Praha | Skanska Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2006 |
Nové ateliery Barrandov | ateliery Barrandov Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2006 |
Hala jízdárny - typový projekt | ZK Mališ | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2006 |
Opláštění Karlovarská | RUUKKI | Statical/dynamical calculation | Roof and Wall cladding | 2006 |
ČSSZ Pracahatice | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2006 |
Fasáda BBC | Vokoun+Pokorný Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Roof and Wall cladding | 2006 |
Podpěra pro výměnu ložisek objektu ČSOB Radlická | Skanska Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Extraordinery and Special structures | 2006 |
Fasádní kotvy Altech | Altech Mladá Boleslav | Statical/dynamical calculation | Roof and Wall cladding | 2006 |
Rekonstrukce fasády ambasády ČR Berlín | Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí ČR | Expert examiniation/consulting | Roof and Wall cladding | 2006 |
Objekt remízy | PSK Tuzar Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2006 |
Hala Veselovský | Skanska Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2006 |
Stánek Škoda Auto Autosalon Paris 2006 | Coplan Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Extraordinery and Special structures | 2006 |
Technologické konstrukce Meros | VAI Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Tanks / silos / stacks, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2006 |
Přístřešek KOC ČB | Novák+partner ČB | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2006 |
Výstavní stánek PAD | PAD praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Extraordinery and Special structures | 2006 |
Hala Golf | Skanska Praha | Project, Shop drawings, Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2006 |
Techn. Konstrukce Tivall | Coplan Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2006 |
Statické tabulky plechů | Vikam Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Roof and Wall cladding | 2006 |
Mostový jeřáb 1ŽSK | 1. Železářská Kladno | Project | Load bearing structures for machines | 2006 |
Rampy Toptrans Bohdalec | Ing. Prokšík Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2006 |
Rekonstrukce objektů TV Nova Barrandov | D-plus Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2006 |
Technologické konstrukce CSA | VAI Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Mast / chimneys, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2006 |
Opláštění Autosalon Toyota | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Roof and Wall cladding | 2006 |
Lihovar Trmice | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2006 |
Rekonstrukce areálu Skanska Sadská | Grebner Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2006 |
Obytný dům Jesenice | Atelier AMA Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2006 |
Přesun jeřábové dráhy Metrostav | PSK Tuzar Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2006 |
Nosná konstrukce hangáru | Skanska Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2006 |
Hala MPD Rakovník | PSK Tuzar Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2006 |
Hala Siemens Praha Zličín | Grebner Praha, Skanska Praha | Studies/conceptual design, Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2005 |
Zásobníky Sklárny Kavalier | Ing. Rychtář | Statical/dynamical calculation | Tanks / silos / stacks | 2005 |
Světlíky Chodov | Metrostav Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2005 |
Technologické konstrukce Lisco | VAI Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2005 |
Opláštění KOC Chodov | Rannila Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Roof and Wall cladding | 2005 |
Hala 12-13 Metrostav Počernice | PSK Tuzar Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2005 |
ČOV Nové Město | D-plus Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2005 |
Technologické konstrukce Hadeed | VAI Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2005 |
Dětský koutek Ikea | Ikea Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2005 |
Opláštění Kaufland J. Hradec | Rannila | Statical/dynamical calculation | Roof and Wall cladding | 2005 |
Opláštění Tesco Letňany | Rannila | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Roof and Wall cladding | 2005 |
Technologické konstrukce CSC | VAI Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2005 |
Schody ZŠ Alžírská | Restio Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2005 |
Technologické konstrukce Alchevsk | VAI Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2005 |
Luxembourg Plaza | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2005 |
ČOV Nové Město | DIS Brno | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2005 |
ČOV Udlice | D-plus Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2005 |
Jeřábová dráha CCI | FERRO OK Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2005 |
Vzduchové chladiče Madeira | Bronswerk Děčín | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2005 |
ČSSZ Praha Stodůlky | Egis Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2005 |
Hala Pražské služby | Novák, Moleko Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2005 |
Techn. Konstrukce SNOP | Konsta Č. Budějovice | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2005 |
Technologické konstrukce Bao | VAI Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Duct lines | 2005 |
Výtahová šachta Stupkova | VHL Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2005 |
Úprava stropu pro VZT Pražský hrad - prezidentská kancelář | Macprojekt Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Extraordinery and Special structures, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2005 |
Nástavba obch. Domu Hostivař | Plan+Bau Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2005 |
Technologické konstrukce Colakoglu | VAI Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2005 |
Posouzení stožárů Siemens | Doc. Vašek | Assessment of existing structure | Mast / chimneys | 2004 |
Letiště Ruzyně - spojovací mosty | Desmo Lomnice n.P | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2004 |
Ministerstvo informatiky ČR - opláštění | Ateliér AMA Praha | Studies/conceptual design, Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Roof and Wall cladding | 2004 |
Karlínské divadlo - rekonstrukce | D-plus Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2004 |
Letiště Ruzyně - terminál 2 | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2004 |
Tyco Kuřim | Nedcon, Holandsko | Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2004 |
Stavební dvůr Metrostavu H. Počernice | PSK Tuzar | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2004 |
Montážní závod Peugeot Citroen Trnava | Bureau Veritas | Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2004 |
Technologické konstrukce VAS | VAI Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2004 |
Technologické konstrukce Košice SS1 | VAI Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Mast / chimneys, Duct lines | 2004 |
ČSSZ Jičín - rekonstrukce | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2004 |
Hala Elektroluxu Běchovice | Arch. Janoušková | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2004 |
Opláštění Carrefour Brno | JK Technik | Shop drawings | Roof and Wall cladding | 2004 |
Hala Bechyně | FERRO OK | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2004 |
Nádvorní JD Gross | FERRO OK | Project, Shop drawings | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2004 |
Opláštění ASUS Ostrava | Skanska Třinec | Shop drawings | Roof and Wall cladding | 2004 |
Garáže Šeberov | D-plus Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2004 |
Technologické konstrukce ZPSS | VAI Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2004 |
Hala armozávodu | Metrostav Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2004 |
Catering ruzyně | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2004 |
EXPO 2005 | MozArt Praha | Studies/conceptual design, Project | Extraordinery and Special structures, Theatre and Artistic structures | 2004 |
Rekonstrukce ČMI Praha | Macprojekt Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2004 |
Reklamní pylon | Julius Mainl | Project | Mast / chimneys | 2004 |
tramvajová trať na Barrandov - expertiza provedení OK | Dopravní podnik Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Extraordinery and Special structures | 2003 |
světlíky Menza ČVUT Studentský dům | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2003 |
Rekonstrukce těžkých dílen ČVUT | Megasystém | Studies/conceptual design, Project, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2003 |
Ocelové krovy nástaveb Chodovec | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2003 |
Hala MPD Rakovník | Skanska Praha | Studies/conceptual design, Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2003 |
Hala Kralupy | Dostav Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2003 |
Technologické konstrukce AVESTA | VAI Praha | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2003 |
Studie nosné konstrukce Galerie Holešovice | Mirror Trading | Studies/conceptual design | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2003 |
Technologické konstrukce CC5, CC6 | VAI Praha | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2003 |
Technologické konstrukce Nižnyj Tagil | VAI Praha | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2003 |
Přístřešek čerpací stanice PH Býkev | Ing. Císař, H. Beřkovice | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2003 |
Přestřešení dvoru Hostavice | Arch. Namyslov Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2003 |
Jízdárna Mořina | ZK Mališ | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2003 |
APB Považany | Bureau Veritas | Expert examiniation/consulting | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2003 |
ČOV Vertex | D-plus Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2003 |
Technologická konstrukce Magnitogorsk | VAI Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2003 |
Hala Liftec Global - Linde | MS Architekti | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2003 |
Technologické konstrukce Sidmar | VAI Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2003 |
Petřínská lanovka - posudek havarijního stavu | DP hl.m. Prahy | Assessment of existing structure, Expert examiniation/consulting | Extraordinery and Special structures | 2003 |
West Side Story - jevištní konstrukce | Moz-Art Praha | Studies/conceptual design, Project | Theatre and Artistic structures | 2003 |
ČS PHM Mirošovice | Metrostav Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2003 |
Technologické konstrukce Handan | VAI Praha | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2003 |
studie konstrukce objektu "Kogenerace" | Skanska Praha | Studies/conceptual design | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2003 |
Plynárna Michle - rekonstrukce | PSK Tuzar Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2003 |
Hotel Tranzit Ruzyně - opláštění | Rannila Praha | Shop drawings | Roof and Wall cladding | 2003 |
Irmler Modletice - opláštění | Rannila Praha | Shop drawings | Roof and Wall cladding | 2003 |
BVZ Commers Klecany | Warex Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2003 |
Technologické konstrukce Carinox | VAI Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2003 |
Pyramida - Eurolank Jinočany | ZK Mališ | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2003 |
ČSSZ K. Vary - rekonstrukce | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2003 |
Řízení letového provozu Jeneč | Malcon Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2003 |
Palác Flóra Sen - obchodně kulturní centrum | Metrostav Praha | Shop drawings, Studies/conceptual design | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2002 |
Skladová hala a administrativní budova Würth Nepřevázka | Fabion Praha, Skanska Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2002 |
Logistické centrum Toptrans Jihlava | Ing. Prokšík | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2002 |
Technologický skelet Baumit | IPS Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2002 |
Benzinka Tamoil Praha Holešovice | IPS Skanska Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2002 |
Administrativní budova GIST Hr. Králové | IPS Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2002 |
Hala JOUAN Mukařov | HOPAX Červenka | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2002 |
Shopping Centrum Zličín – opláštění | IPS Skanska Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Roof and Wall cladding | 2002 |
Autosalon Škoda – Děčín | IPS Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2002 |
Hala f. FVA Rakousko | Voest Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2002 |
Požární posudek detailů haly TESCO Praha Zličín | Prefa Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2002 |
Posudek výrobní dokumentace haly Optima Košice | Bureau Veritas Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2002 |
Sportovní areál Most | IPS Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2002 |
Zařízení Easy Fill | FEROX Děčín | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for machines | 2002 |
Autosalon Škoda – Karlovy Vary | IPS Skanska Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2002 |
Podpěry VZT obch. centra Zličín | IPS Skanska Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2002 |
Mostový jeřáb 10 tun | Metrostav Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for machines | 2002 |
Nosná konstrukce solárních panelů | Poulek Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Extraordinery and Special structures | 2002 |
Popovodňové statické posudky měníren | Dopr. Podnik Praha | Assessment of existing structure | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2002 |
Popovodňový statický posudek plynojemu Plzeň | K&H Kinetic | Assessment of existing structure | Tanks / silos / stacks | 2002 |
Rekonstrukce ZÚ ČR v Paříži | Skanska Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2002 |
Úpravy interieru zimního stadionu Slavia Praha | Skanska Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2002 |
Technologická konstrukce TRV Niklasdorf | Vítkovice a.s. | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2002 |
Technologické konstrukce zinkovna Wiegel Žebrák | Skanska Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2002 |
BBCentrum Alpha – světlík | Studio A | Studies/conceptual design | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2002 |
Rekonstrukce střechy haly RAKO 1 | Rako Rakovník | Studies/conceptual design | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2002 |
Studie rekonstrukce haly ve Vinoři | Takenaka Czech | Studies/conceptual design | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2002 |
Telekomunikační stožár 50m Jablonná | HD Steel | Statical/dynamical calculation | Mast / chimneys | 2002 |
Schodišťová věž Philips, Hranice | EXCON Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2001 |
Elektrárna Elbistan, plošina +21 | HD Engineering Praha | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2001 |
Technologické plošiny | Tries Gmbh | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2001 |
KOC Smíchov, opláštění | IPS Praha | Shop drawings | Roof and Wall cladding | 2001 |
Sportovní hala Linz, střecha | HD Engineering Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2001 |
Patrové garáže, letiště Praha, opláštění | Marton Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Roof and Wall cladding | 2001 |
Odsíření Vřesová, výrobna stabilizátu, vykládka vápence, sklad sádrovce | Sokolovské strojírny | Shop drawings | Tanks / silos / stacks, Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2001 |
Přístavba haly Eberspächer Rakovník | IPS Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2001 |
Technologické plošiny Infraserv Hoechst | Tries GmbH | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2001 |
Hochregallager Egger | JHG GmbH | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2001 |
Anténní nosiče – střechy pražských hotelů | WIKA s.r.o. Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2001 |
Plošina pro techologii vysílače – věž kostela sv. Tomáše | WIKA s.r.o. Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Extraordinery and Special structures | 2001 |
Logist. Centrum Uhříněves | Atipa Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2001 |
Hala zinkovna Wiegel Žebrák | IPS Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2001 |
Technologické plošiny Steyer Rakousko | f. Špaček | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2001 |
Skladová hala Mattoni | Sokolovské strojírny | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2001 |
Hala LUCAS Jablonec | IPS Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2001 |
Rekonstrukce Švandova divadla na Smíchově – Praha | Pragoprojekt Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2001 |
Administrativní budova f. EVOBUS Holýšov | IPS Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2001 |
Podpěry VZT TESCO Letňany | Metrostav Praha | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2001 |
Posudky zahraničních projektů technolog. konstrukcí | Ferox Děčín | Expert examiniation/consulting | Load bearing structures for machines , Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2001 |
Posudek mostu přes Mrlinu | Vodohospod. Inženýr. Služby | Expert examiniation/consulting | Bridges | 2001 |
RD Svinaře – nosná ocelová a dřevěná konstrukce domu s obloukovou střechou | Němec a Polák Praha | Shop drawings | Timber structures, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2001 |
Skladová hala – přístav Ústí n.L. | DOSTAV Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2001 |
Optima Košice | EXCON Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2001 |
Hochregallager Degussa | JHG GmbH | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2001 |
Elektrárna Elbistan, střecha | HD Engineering Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2001 |
Prostorová konstrukce bilboardu – Plzeň Borská pole | Sokolovské strojírny | Shop drawings | Mast / chimneys | 2001 |
Expertní posudek požární odolnosti OK haly Rako | Rako Rakovník | Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2001 |
Karanténní skleník - botanická zahrada Praha | MACprojekt Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2001 |
Odtahové horkovzdušné potrubí ALZ | Voest Praha | Shop drawings | Duct lines | 2001 |
Reg. Centrum Radiomobilu Hr. Králové – kotvení fasád | ZK Mališ | Statical/dynamical calculation | Roof and Wall cladding | 2001 |
Lešení u Lažanského paláce Praha | KONSIT Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Scaffolds / Assembly plattforms | 2001 |
Kotlové plošiny, elektrárna Meliti Achlada | Vítkovice a.s. | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2000 |
Úpravna rudy, Trinidad | Lurgi GmbH | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2000 |
Rekonstrukce haly S5, Fagro GmbH | Tries GmbH | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2000 |
Nástavba čerpací stanice, Čakovice | Proxima a.s. | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2000 |
Nadstřešní plošina budovy D12, Merck | Tries GmbH | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2000 |
Reklamní pylony, Tamoil Humpolec, Brodce | Stavomont Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Mast / chimneys | 2000 |
Technologické plošiny Selas, Francie | Škoda Klatovy | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2000 |
Krov nástavby jídelny, Uhříněves | Stavomont Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2000 |
Vzduchový chladič, Madeira | Envig-Sag s.r.o. | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2000 |
Servisní a prodejní centrum Mercedes, Praha 4 | Stavomont Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2000 |
Vynášecí mosty, Nakládka uhlí Jiří | Sokolovské strojírny a.s. | Shop drawings | Bridges, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2000 |
Skladová hala Rako1, Rakovník | Stavomont IPS Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2000 |
Multikino Černý most | Stavomont IPS Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2000 |
Dopravní středisko – nástavba, Česká Třebová | SAS Česká Třebová | Project, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2000 |
Globus Ústí n.L. – experiment ověření střechy | PWI Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting, Research, development, experiments | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2000 |
Pojízdná jevištní plošina | MozArt Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Theatre and Artistic structures | 2000 |
Sila f. Liebherr ( cement 120, 100 tun ) | BEST Benešov | Statical/dynamical calculation | Tanks / silos / stacks | 2000 |
Technologické plošiny, Neuselters | Tries GmbH | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2000 |
VW Bratislava | EXCON Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2000 |
Výsuvné jevištní schodiště, opera Faidra | MozArt Praha | Project | Theatre and Artistic structures | 2000 |
Silo f. Schlösser ( PU granulát 100 m3 ) | BEST Benešov | Statical/dynamical calculation | Tanks / silos / stacks | 2000 |
Nástavba nemocnice Kolín | Stavomont IPS Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2000 |
Silo na písek, DP Praha | Kruh s.r.o. Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Tanks / silos / stacks | 2000 |
Přístavba Liftec Global, Praha | Stavomont IPS Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2000 |
Elektrárna Elbistan, střešní rošt kotle | HD Engineering Praha | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2000 |
Technologické plošiny, EWR | Tries Gmbh | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2000 |
Anténní stožár Zvoleněves | Milota Kladno | Project | Mast / chimneys | 2000 |
Podepření jevištních stolů, Palác kultury | MozART Praha | Project | Theatre and Artistic structures | 2000 |
Dům hotelového typu Folmava | Stavomont IPS Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2000 |
Násypky f. Komwag | KRUH s.r.o. Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Tanks / silos / stacks | 2000 |
Hangár Nymburk | KRUH s.r.o. Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2000 |
Autosalon Škoda, Praha Černý Most | Stavomont IPS Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2000 |
Hala DLW | Tries GmbH | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2000 |
Krov rodinného domu | Stavomont IPS Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 2000 |
Multikina KOC Nový Smíchov | Stavomont IPS Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2000 |
Hochregallager K+K | JHG GmbH | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 2000 |
Transportní mosty, důl ČSA | Vítkovice a.s. | Shop drawings | Bridges, Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 2000 |
Akuma Mladá Boleslav, hala F | Stavomont IPS Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 2000 |
Podvěsná doprava, Škoda Ml. Boleslav | EXCON Praha | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1999 |
Zastřešení skládky, Bechyně | Stavomont Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1999 |
Sila surovinového hospodářství, sklárna Rusko | Trojan TVT Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Tanks / silos / stacks | 1999 |
Skladová hala a administrativní budova f. Sprint | Stavomont Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1999 |
Sila Slovinsko | BEST Benešov | Shop drawings | Tanks / silos / stacks | 1999 |
Hala zpracování papíru, Skládka Ďáblice | Stavomont Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1999 |
Výrobna dřevitých desek, Egger Wismar (část) | LSI GmbH | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1999 |
Kasino Hatě | LI Architekti | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1999 |
Střešní nástavby – stavebnicový konstrukční systém | Stavební fakulta ČVUT | Studies/conceptual design | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1999 |
Hala Geistransport, Ejpovice | Stavomont Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1999 |
Hala D, Toptrans Praha | Prokšík Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1999 |
Technologický skelet Theresa | Stahlbau Main GmbH | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1999 |
Ocelárna VASL – rekonstrukce | VOEST Linz | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1999 |
Nádvorní jeřábová dráha, Bombardier Česká Lípa | Stavomont Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 1999 |
Benzinová pumpa BAEST | BEST Benešov | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1999 |
Hala Elzimex, Kladno | Tuzar Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1999 |
Hala Kondor, Praha Čimice | FERRO OK | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1999 |
Sklad ovoce, Čeroz Nehvizdy | Stavomont Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1999 |
Opláštění transportních mostů, Cemmac Horné Srnie | EXCON Praha | Shop drawings | Bridges, Roof and Wall cladding | 1999 |
Přístřešek, Volant Horní Počernice | Volant TRW | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1999 |
Benzinová pumpa, Malešická | Tuzar Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1999 |
Pergoly, Administrativní a obytné centrum Praha 9 | Stavomont Praha | Studies/conceptual design, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1999 |
Přístřešky, Procter&Gamble | Tries GmbH | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1999 |
Technologický skelet, Vinolit Burgkirchen | Sartorius GmbH | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1999 |
Technologické plošiny, Erbslöh | Tries GmbH | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1999 |
Posudek projektu Orsil Častolovice | Socotec s.r.o. Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1999 |
Střešní reklama, Alusuisse Děčín | CONTES Teplice | Project | Extraordinery and Special structures | 1998 |
Benzinová pumpa Tukas | FERRO OK | Project, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1998 |
Kotvy skleněné fasády, Masarykova nem. Ústí | Stavomont Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Roof and Wall cladding | 1998 |
Nosná konstrukce technolog. zařízení, Kokerei Taranto | LSI GmbH | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1998 |
Technologické plošiny, hala Rigips Horní Počáply | Intes Pro Liberec, Vodní stavby Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1998 |
Stožár Tabulová hora – rekonstrukce | Tuzar Praha | Project | Mast / chimneys | 1998 |
Stožár Zadní vrch – rekonstrukce | Tuzar Praha | Project | Mast / chimneys | 1998 |
Komunikační centrum, Škoda Ml. Boleslav | Metrostav a.s. | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1998 |
Přístřešek Karma | Sedmík Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1998 |
Potrubní most, Energocentrum Kladno | HD Engineering | Project | Bridges | 1998 |
Rekonstrukce jeřábové dráhy Tenez | TENEZ Chotěboř | Project | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 1998 |
Technologické plošiny Selas, Francie | Škoda Klatovy | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1998 |
Vestavba galerie, hala Korado | Korado Česká Třebová | Project, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1998 |
Mobilní sklad, Tesla Vršovice | Moleko Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1998 |
Startovací rampa, Pražský Ralleysprint | Stavomont Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Extraordinery and Special structures | 1998 |
Technologická věž, Cemmac Horné Srnie | EXCON Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1998 |
Vícepodlažní objekt Shaller, Kolbenova Praha | Stavomont Praha | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1998 |
Skladová hala, Volant Horní Počernice | Volant TRW | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1998 |
Hotel Fénix, Praha – rekonstrukce | Grebner Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1998 |
Budova mlýnice, Rigips Horní Počáply | INTES Pro Liberec | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1998 |
Odhlučňovací kabina frézovacího stroje, ČKD Zličín | FERRO OK | Project, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1998 |
Stožáry VN | Energovod Praha | Shop drawings | Mast / chimneys | 1998 |
Tenisová hala, Uhříněves | Agroimpex | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1998 |
Úpravna rudy, Penoles, Mexico | Hock+Reinke GmbH | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1998 |
Skleníky, Botanická zahrada Praha | Konsit a.s. | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1998 |
Rekonstrukce stožáru GMT | GMT Praha | Project | Mast / chimneys | 1997 |
Zastřešení výrobní budovy, Spolchemie Ústí | CONTES Teplice | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1997 |
Skladová hala, Přestavlky | FERRO OK | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1997 |
Otočný jeřáb, Černá v Pošumaví | FERRO OK | Project, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for machines | 1997 |
Přístřešek, PAL Kbely | PAL Kbely, FERRO OK | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1997 |
Přístřešky a technologické lávky, Assidomän Žebrák | Grebner Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1997 |
Potrubní most, odsíření el. Tisová | Fiala Engineering | Project, Shop drawings | Bridges | 1997 |
Schodiště, ČS Praha 6 | VV Atelier | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1997 |
Mostový jeřáb Kryry | FERRO OK | Statical/dynamical calculation | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 1997 |
Mostový jeřáb VOEST | FERRO OK | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for machines | 1997 |
Potrubní mosty | EXCON Praha | Shop drawings | Bridges | 1997 |
Kotvy skleněné fasády, BB Centrum Praha | Stavomont Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation, Shop drawings | Roof and Wall cladding | 1997 |
Světlík, BB Centrum Praha | Stavomont Praha | Project, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1997 |
Stožár Stolová hora | Tuzar Praha | Project | Mast / chimneys | 1997 |
Rehabilitační budova Beethoven, Teplice | CONTES Teplice | Project, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1997 |
Nástavba obytného domu, Libverda | INTES Pro Liberec | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1997 |
Opravárenská hala - rekonstrukce | SAS Česká Třebová | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1997 |
Jeřábový most pro manipulátor, Glavunion Teplice | FERRO OK | Project, Shop drawings | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 1997 |
Posudek projektu výrobních a skladových hal | Korado Česká Třebová | Expert examiniation/consulting | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1996 |
Hala posklizňové linky | f. Hustoles | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1996 |
Hala důkladné kontroly, Rozvadov | Realis Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1996 |
Vzduchový chladič Ruhrgas Bierwang | Balcke Dürr Děčín | Project, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1996 |
Vzduchový chladič Příbram | Balcke Dürr Děčín | Project, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1996 |
Kmenárna - rekonstrukce | Crystalex Nový Bor | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Tanks / silos / stacks | 1996 |
Posudek návrhu skladových regálů | Tuzar Praha | Expert examiniation/consulting | Load bearing structures for technological equipment, Extraordinery and Special structures | 1996 |
Tabulky únosností trapézových plechů | Vikam Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Roof and Wall cladding | 1996 |
Autosalon Toyota | Polák Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1996 |
Stožár Horka - rekonstrukce | Tuzar Praha | Project | Mast / chimneys | 1996 |
Výrobní hala - rekonstrukce | Owens, Nové Sedlo | Assessment of existing structure, Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1996 |
Benzinová pumpa Kamenný Újezd | Kodeda Plzeň | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1996 |
Zastřešení skladových ploch, Rudolfova Huť Dubí | CONTES, FERRO OK | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1996 |
Zásobní sila, Maltárna Studénka | Doucek Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Tanks / silos / stacks | 1996 |
Odbavovací budova nádraží, Lysá n.Labem | Arch. Daňkovský Praha | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1996 |
Vzduchový chladič, Irán | Balcke Dürr Děčín | Project, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1996 |
Opravárenské železniční dílny, Vřesová | HAKR Karlovy Vary | Project, Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1996 |
Čerpací stanice, odsíření el. Tisová | Vodní stavby | Shop drawings | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1996 |
Zásobníky kaolinu Kaznějov, Horní Bříza | Fiala Engineerig | Project, Shop drawings | Tanks / silos / stacks | 1996 |
Otočný jeřáb | TRW Volant | Project, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for machines | 1996 |
Anténní stožár Tábor | Tuzar Praha | Project | Mast / chimneys | 1996 |
Sila Čakovice | Doucek Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Tanks / silos / stacks | 1996 |
Jeřábová dráha Plastimat Liberec | FERRO OK | Project, Shop drawings | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 1996 |
Benzinová pumpa Petra, Kbely | Tuzar Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1996 |
Zastřešení celnice, Rozvadov | HAKR Karlovy Vary | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1996 |
Strusková a sádrovcová nádrž, odsíření el. Tisová | Fiala Engineering | Project | Tanks / silos / stacks | 1996 |
Stáčírna a technologické konstr., odsíření el. Tisová | Vodní stavby | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1996 |
Výrobní budova stabilizátu, odsíření el. Tisová | Fiala Engineering | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures, Tanks / silos / stacks | 1996 |
Sila s nosnou konstrukcí | BEST Benešov | Project, Shop drawings | Tanks / silos / stacks | 1995 |
Hala BU Morgenroth Berlin | Železniční stavitelství Ostrov | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1995 |
Sila a zásobník s nosnou konstrukcí - hala surovinového hospodářství Crystalex Nový Bor | Crystalex Nový Bor | Project, Shop drawings | Tanks / silos / stacks, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1995 |
Rekonstrukce světlíků | Spolchemie Ústí n. Labem | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1995 |
Úprava vody, hala čiření | Elektrárna Vřesová | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1995 |
Úprava vody, technologické plošiny | Elektrárna Vřesová | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1995 |
Silniční váha | Vikam Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Extraordinery and Special structures | 1995 |
Vzduchový chladič, Rumeilan, Syrie | FEROX Děčín | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1995 |
Oblouková hala | HMP Praha | Statical/dynamical calculation | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1995 |
Rekonstrukce výsypek sádrových sil | Glavunion Teplice | Project | Tanks / silos / stacks | 1995 |
Výrobní hala Glavunion Teplice | FERRO OK Praha | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1995 |
Vzduchové chladiče A601, A602 Slovnaft Bratislava | Balcke Dürr Děčín | Project, Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1995 |
Přístřešek | NERI | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1995 |
Hala s mostovým jeřábem, Rudná | Vodní stavby | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 1995 |
Posudek mostu | SSŽ Hradec Králové | Statical/dynamical calculation | Bridges | 1995 |
Expediční budova, Lovochemie Lovosice | Fiala Engineerig | Studies/conceptual design | Civil engineering / industrial structures, Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1995 |
Kuželová střecha obytné budovy | Klang | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1995 |
Posudek stávající konstrukce, důl Kateřina | TST Praha | Assessment of existing structure | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1995 |
Oblouková tenisová hala | Vikam Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1995 |
Hala keramické manufaktury | Keramika Brabec Teplice | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1994 |
Vzduchový chladič 35-A-01, Jajarm, Iran | FEROX Děčín | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1994 |
Vzduchový chladič W 602 Velké Meziříčí | FEROX Děčín | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1994 |
Jeřábová dráha s podporami - rekonstrukce | Crystalex Nový Bor | Project, Shop drawings | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 1994 |
Spoje OK - analytická studie, příprava programu | Ing Software Dlubal GmbH | Studies/conceptual design, Statical/dynamical calculation | Extraordinery and Special structures | 1994 |
Výrobní a skladové haly, Korado | Korado Česká Třebová | Studies/conceptual design | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1994 |
Zásobníky tekutých plynů | FEROX Děčín | Statical/dynamical calculation | Tanks / silos / stacks | 1994 |
Isolační kryt, Kyslíkárna Litvínov | FEROX Děčín | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1994 |
Úprava vody, filtrační hala | Elektrárna Vřesová | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1994 |
Hala slévárny - rekonstrukce | Ocelárna Chabařovice | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1993 |
Skladová hala, NOVOBAL Mor. Budějovice | PKD Dačice | Project, Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1993 |
Průmyslový komín, Velké Meziříčí | FEROX Děčín | Statical/dynamical calculation | Mast / chimneys | 1993 |
Isolační kryty - optimalizační studie | FEROX Děčín | Studies/conceptual design, Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1993 |
Vzduchový chladič 18-A-01, Jajarm, Iran | FEROX Děčín | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1993 |
Zásobníky teplého oleje - rekonstrukce | Setuza Ústí n. Labem | Project | Tanks / silos / stacks | 1993 |
Expediční budova | CHEZA Litvínov | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1992 |
Střepové hospodářství | Rudolfova huť Dubí | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1992 |
Isolační kryt, Ústí n.Labem | FEROX Děčín | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1992 |
Hala cídírny, Ocelárna Chabařovice - rekonstrukce | Ocelárna Chabařovice | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1992 |
Dopravníkový most | Crystalex Nový Bor | Project, Shop drawings | Bridges | 1992 |
Chladič plynu, Velké Zlievce | FEROX Děčín | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1992 |
Regálový sklad (část) | Müller GmbH, Kreuztal | Shop drawings | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1992 |
Jeřábová dráha - rekonstrukce | Ocelárna Chabařovice | Project, Shop drawings | Craneways / Technological equipment for transport | 1992 |
Technologické plošiny, Spalovna Hamburg | Müller GmbH, Kreuztal | Shop drawings | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1992 |
Isolační kryt, Kyslíkárna Ostrava | FEROX Děčín | Statical/dynamical calculation | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1991 |
Stožár generátoru větrné elektrárny | Vítkovice | Statical/dynamical calculation | Mast / chimneys | 1991 |
Adaptace kotelny Vlnola Ústí n/L | Textilana Liberec | Project | Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1983 |
Meteorologická věž ČHMÚ Praha Libuš - plošina pro radiové spoje | ČHMÚ Praha | Project | Load bearing structures for technological equipment | 1983 |
Zimní stadion Pelhřimov | město Pelhřimov | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes | 1980 |
Krytý školní bazén Praha 6 | Sportprojekt Praha | Project | Halls / canopies / tribunes, Civil engineering / industrial structures | 1979 |